Yesterday, Apple icon, Steve Jobs lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. He was a true visionary of technology. The story of his comeback as CEO after being fired from Apple is simply amazing!
He didn’t wallow in self-pity after losing his job with the very company he created. He moved on with his life and founded other companies. (One of those companies was Pixar. How many of those movies did you see?) He worked hard to build another company that was eventually bought out by Apple. He quickly moved up in the Apple organization to become CEO again and changed Apple to what it is today.
Read more of his story: The Second Coming of Steve Jobs (on sale now) or Steve Jobs
(to be released on October 24th).
One little known fact about Steve Jobs is that he was adopted!
In 1955, an unwed graduate student gave her infant son up for adoption when the birth father also a graduate student wouldn’t marry her. Steve Jobs never considered his adopted parents as anything less than his parents. Paul and Clara Jobs were his parents! Period!
His mechanic father, Paul, taught young Steve about taking things apart and putting them back together, which fueled his interest in building things – eventually computers.
Just think how the adoption of Steve Jobs has changed the world we live in today.
“He put the world at our fingertips.” ~Steven Spielberg
What Apple products do you own?