Happy Labor Day!
We hope that you are enjoying your “last weekend of summer”. Here in Texas, we are finally getting cooler temperatures. Cooler actually is less than 100 degrees.
Last night, I actually sat on the front porch, enjoying the breeze, and began reading a wonderfully written best-selling novel about a couple’s journey through infertility and adoption. On September 22nd, I am joining the SITS Girls Book Club and the author for an online discussion. Will you join me???
Now, onto this month’s Foster Focus on getting a foster care license.
A few months ago, I detailed our journey to become a licensed foster home that included travel to 3 towns and over 1,800 miles of driving.
During that 4 post series, there were a lot of comments discussing the similarities and differences on becoming a licensed foster home. State vs. Private agency, PRIDE vs. MAPP, etc.
This month, Foster2Forever would like to compile all those different requirements into a large list post to share on Thursday, September 29th as a resource for all of our foster care readers everywhere. (maybe in a blog hop format for everyone to share on their blogs?)
Have you already written about your licensing journey? Then share the link below in the comments!
If not, get writing! Then, send the link to your blog post through our CONTACT page.
If you wrote a series of posts, as I did, then you can send the link to the first post and link it to subsequent posts, OR write a post listing each of the posts.
If you feel comfortable, please share what state (or country) you are in and whether you are licensed through the State or through a private agency.
I am so excited!!! Will you join in???