Foster parents need sexual abuse training: She was only 7 years old when Child Protective Services brought her to our foster home. As a matter of fact, CPS removed the child from her family due to hard drug use and violence in the home. CPS had no knowledge of sexual abuse. However, I began noticing […]
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Why Every Foster Parent Needs Sexual Abuse Training
Foster parents need sexual abuse training: She was only 7 years old when Child Protective Services brought her to our foster home. As a matter of fact, CPS removed the child from her family due to hard drug use and violence in the home. CPS had no knowledge of sexual abuse. However, I began noticing […]

10 Tips for Foster Care Visitation Online
Sometimes children in foster care cannot have face-to-face visitation with parents. During those times, video conferencing is a convenient option. You will need to contact your agency for specific foster care visitation rules. ZOOM VIDEO Zoom is a free video conferencing platform that you can easily use on a computer, tablet or mobile device to […]

Is Foster Income Taxable? What Foster Parents Should Know About Income Tax
IS FOSTER INCOME TAXABLE? You do not have to report foster payments you received for providing foster care in your home as taxable income. Foster payments are NOT considered taxable income. (Foster payments are considered reimbursement) According to the Turbo Tax website: “if care is provided to a qualified foster individual and they are paid […]

Would You Adopt a Special Needs Child in Foster Care?
We are The Burdick Family. We have fostered 12 years and have adopted six children who would otherwise have gone into foster care or could not reunify, making us a family of twelve. Our kids ages are 27, 25, 23, 21, 15, 14, 12, 5, 3, and 3. Our fostering journey began 15 years ago. […]

RAD in Foster Care – How Hard It Can Be!
Reactive Attachment Disorder – RAD – in foster care can happen when children fail to attach to their primary caregiver early in life. Janie was 42 and Joe was 50 when two biological half-sisters, ages 3 and 5, made them foster parents in middle Tennessee. This is the foster to adopt story of their family. […]