Our case worker sent us a series of pictures of parenting failures.
She stated,”Some people just aren’t meant to be parents. Don’t let me see you doing this!”I would say this was in Texas except that he’s dressed wrong and the beer is not a “Texas” beer!
Be sure to sign up for my GIVEAWAY!
Have a great weekend enjoying your family!
Hugs to y’all!
Bubba moved out the night of graduation. His mother demanded it; we think because she didn’t want to risk paying any more child support. The house has been quite a bit calmer with his departure. And then a week later our 12-year-old foster girl moved out. Now our family is down to us with 2 kids under 2 years old. You may not believe it, but our home is quiet-er!
Here’s a photo I shot of Bubba the first day I got my new camera – having no idea what settings or buttons to use. This is a straight out of camera shot that was only cropped. Not bad, huh?

FUNNY FRIDAY – Parenting Failures
Our case worker sent us a series of pictures of parenting failures.
She stated,”Some people just aren’t meant to be parents. Don’t let me see you doing this!”Have a great weekend enjoying your family!
Be sure to sign up for my GIVEAWAY!
Hugs to y’all!
No, I’m not writing about vitamins! (although those are needed for a working mom to keep up in a hectic life)
I’m actually talking about doing one thing a day. Whether it’s an errand, a chore or a load of laundry.
Back in my days as a single working gal in Houston, I became frustrated that my Saturdays were always busy with errands. I began making a point to do one errand a day so that I didn’t have to go pick up dry cleaning, shop for groceries, or run other errands on Saturdays. This habit became a way for me to spend Saturdays relaxing at home, and not hectically running around town trying to get things done.
When I made the commitment to run one errand a day, I found myself at home with nowhere I had to go on Saturday mornings. I could enjoy my Saturday as I wanted!
One thing I’ve started doing recently and really wish I would’ve done this years ago is to complete one small chore a day. Yesterday morning I put my sheets in the washer after I woke up and put them in the dryer before leaving for work. When I got home, I pulled fresh, clean sheets out of the dryer to make the bed. I LOVE clean sheets! Especially when it’s not much of a hassle.
An errand I despise is grocery shopping! I HATE grocery shopping after work when I’m tired and hungry and the stores are packed. Recently, I’ve begun using my lunch hour once a week to shop for my non-perishable groceries. Sometimes, that can be most of my shopping list and I can keep them in the car until I get home in the evening.
Doing one thing a day helps me cope in my hectic life. What are things that you do to make your life less hectic?
Y’all have a great week and take care of yourself!
What a busy life I have! Not just being a working mom of 4, but those “other duties as assigned”. Of course, those “other duties” are of my own making.
- I’m proud that I was able to organize a successful fundraiser for our local cancer charity on May 22nd – collecting over $6,000!
- My stepson graduated from high school on June 3rd!
- Last Thursday, Brian Birdwell came to our home for a “Meet and Greet” party. [He’s running for a vacant state senate seat in our area – the election is next Tuesday]
I’m ready for a little reprieve! Now my hubby and I are planning a vacation next month to Maui!

Y’all have a blessed week!
FUNNY FRIDAY – Parenting Failures
FUNNY FRIDAY – Parenting Failures
Thankful for GRADUATION!!!
I am SO thankful that my stepson is graduating from high school! YEAH!!!
Now, most of you are probably saying, “Ok, that’s nice.” But you really don’t understand the challenge of educating an ADHD kid with Asperger’s Syndrome! [For those of you who may not know – Asperger’s Syndrome is a form of autism]
When I married my husband 6 years ago, Bubba (yes, we ARE in Texas) was struggling in junior high. He was in regular classrooms for some subjects, but still mostly in special education classes.
Bubba had been living with his mother when he came to live with us for his 8th grade year. He was placed into regular classes for ALL his subjects that became TORTURE!!! The school was claiming that he had accommodations, BUT we literally spent from 4pm to 8pm doing homework every night! I began finding notes and drawings of him drowning and being chased by sharks.
Alarmed, we called a meeting with the school’s special education committee. The committee refused to place him back into any special education classes claiming that he had enough accommodations stating that “he’s just lazy.” They decided that he would have mandatory tutorials after school every day. (They wanted to take the pressure of homework off of me and my husband.) And do absolutely NOTHING for our son!
Two weeks later, we decided that since we were teaching his school work to him at home anyway, we might as well withdraw him and homeschool him. This was a tough decision considering my husband taught at Bubba’s school.
Even though we faced skepticism, even among family, it was the BEST decision we could have ever made for our son! For our family!
For two years, Bubba flourished with his education. He finally learned to divide. He learned how to cook macaroni and cheese and other dishes. He learned how to wash his own clothes. History was fun! Civil War re-enactments are the best learning tools!. He joined 4-H and began enjoying photography. He entered the county science fair and won $75 his first year.
However, in dealing with infertility, I made the decision to return to work 3 years ago. We enrolled him in the private school associated with our new church home; however, cliques are cliques are cliques no matter what high school it is, even if it does teach conservative Christian values. Bubba’s social challenges, probably due to his Asperger’s Syndrome, began causing a marked change and he began showing signs of anti-social behavior. Additionally, the school was unaccredited and did not know how to deal with kids with special education needs.
With all of the behavior and academic struggles, for this school year, we decided to enroll him in the public high school where my husband teaches.
This senior year has been better, but getting him to do his homework has still been a struggle. Thankfully, the school has a website that allows parents to monitor grades and missed assignments. Finally, we could see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, his interest in Welding has waned this semester and we’ve even been sweating whether or not he was going to graduate until last Friday when he passed his Welding final with a 75.
Have any of you dealt with any of these academic struggles with your kids?
FUNNY FRIDAY – Parenting Failures
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