WOW! What a month for adoption this has been!
4,800 foster children in the United States were adopted this month!!!
Over 100 adoption stories were added to our Adoption Blog Hop!!! Thanks to all who added their stories! Supporting each other through the tangled web of adoption is important. The blog hop will be open through December, so encourage other adoptive families to join. I found some incredible stories and simply AMAZING families and will be adding them to my blogroll. Did you find any other adoption blogs to add to your blogroll?
The purpose of National Adoption Month is to raise awareness of foster children waiting for forever families. It is also the purpose of this blog. I hope that we have achieved this. I have had a few inquiries about how to become a foster parent.
Kristen of Betty Crocker Wannabe wrote this incredible post on Navigating the Foster Care System. A must-read for those considering getting licensed. Would you consider getting licensed if just to provide respite care for foster families?
Have a blessed week!