One evening, after putting the kids to bed, I sat back on the sofa and propped my feet up – my first chance to relax after coming home from work. I flipped on the television and turned on the local news – maybe a new store was opening?
My feet, along with my jaw, quickly hit the floor when I saw this…
My child’s birthparents had been arrested! Not for shoplifting or writing hot checks – but for an extremely violent crime!
The birthfather was sentenced to prison.
I am thankful that my little boy isn’t in the middle of all that. I am thankful that my little boy doesn’t have to be fearful of the police showing up to take his family away. I am thankful that my little boy is safe!
I am also thankful, in this case, that we have a closed adoption.
(The crime and arrest occurred three years ago, and the birthfather was recently released from prison. I will let you know later how I knew he was released.)