So much paperwork! All the regulations and policies for a licensed foster home can be overwhelming at times.
What happens if you can’t seem to get organized? {see my Pinterest board}
What happens if a caseworker decides to close your foster home?
Texas has an appeal process in place where a panel of other foster parents (your “peers”) can review the case. My husband and I served on that panel recently for our Region. The panel reviews the 5-inch binder case file, interviews the foster parents, and then makes a recommendation that either agrees or disagrees with the State’s decision.
We were unaware of this process, which is rarely used. (This appeal process does not involve cases of foster home abuse or neglect – that is a court matter.)
7741 Peer Review Appeal Process for DFPS Verified Foster Parents
The purpose of a peer review appeal process is to review and make recommendations concerning decisions and actions taken on DFPS verified foster parents. This appeal procedure utilizes the expertise of our foster parents to review adverse actions and help DFPS staff evaluate if appropriate action was taken. These guidelines must be written and given to all DFPS verified foster parents.
Each region will establish a review team that will review and evaluate certain decisions and actions taken with DFPS verified foster parents. The review team makeup will include foster parents.
Each region shall decide when this review team will convene. The review team will meet on a regular basis or as needed.
Each region that takes adverse action on DFPS verified foster parents that results in home closure must allow these families access to the peer review appeal process. Regions will also use this process when requested in reviewing the following circumstances:
• removal of children from the foster home for reasons other than allegations of abuse and neglect or court ordered removals;
• lowering capacity of placements;
• foster parents placed on corrective action; and
• staff conflicts with foster parents.
Foster parents that use the peer review appeal process must sign a release of information statement before any information is shared with their peers.
The complete foster home case record, including information in CAPS, will be available at the peer review appeal hearing. If pertinent or requested by the foster parent, each member of the review team will receive copies of the following information:
• quarterly narratives over the last year (or more if pertinent);
• all serious incident reports;
• all developmental and corrective action plans;
• commendations and any special recognition;
• home study; and
• the narratives that are not included in the quarterly narrative over the last year (or more if pertinent).
Once the peer review appeal team makes a recommendation to the CPS program administrator who will make the final decision and notify the foster parent and the peer review appeal team in writing.