One of the most challenging aspects of foster care is that your life can change at a moment’s notice. Our lives changed instantly on March 4, 2008, when we received a call for an 8-month-old baby boy. I was so excited! A baby!!! (That never happens in foster care.) It was only after our JD arrived that I realized – “I don’t know nothing about babies!”
I was handed a baby with only a few things. What does an 8-month-old baby eat? I had no idea! There was some cereal & formula. Hmm! I guess this is what I’m supposed feed him.
Our baby JD was so sick! He was so congested that he barely could breathe. His eyes were matted with mucus. He had a diaper rash the size of his entire diaper!
Wow! Overwhelming to say the least for our very first placement.
He had a few prescriptions for antibiotics and a nebulizer for breathing treatments. Because of all his breathing problems as a baby, JD was on and off antibiotics for most of his toddlerhood. But with the antibiotics came the dreaded diarrhea. Not just “loose” stools but water-y projectile diarrhea! And did it go away after he would complete a round of antibiotics? NO!
For two years, our JD would have occasional, unexplained brown river diarrhea. And, of course, it would hit at the most random times:
- We would receive THAT call from the daycare saying: “You need to come pick up JD NOW. He’s had two bouts of diarrhea already today.“
- While FosterDad was at home alone with diaper-changing duties, JD shot his “liquid weapon” across the room, hitting the crib, carpeting, nursery door, and anything in his way. For this round, JD got bonus points for shooting his brown shrapnel into his diaper bag and even in his shoes!
- Even our teenager wasn’t immune to being on the receiving end of the mess. One day as Bubba was keeping JD for a couple of hours, he called me frantic, “JD’s diaper came off during his nap and there’s crap everywhere!” I gave him some simple instructions as I rushed home. Bubba wasn’t exaggerating! JD was covered in crap as Bubba had a (as in one) diaper wipe trying to clean him up.
- On vacation, at the Rainforest Cafe on Galveston Island. FosterDad and Bubba were changing him in the mens room as other restaurant patrons were dodging the brown spray.
- Numerous other restaurants that we had to make a quick exit.
- JD was constantly messing his clothes (and ours).
We should’ve bought stock in Clorox Disinfecting Wipes!
However, FINALLY, after 2 years of dodging diarrhea, we discovered the truth behind the turds after our JD began talking. One afternoon, he asked for a glass of milk, and an hour later began complaining that his tummy hurt!
Our JD was lactose-sensitive! Imagine that! All that misery that could have been avoided had we known a little more about JD’s medical history.
If I had only known….I could have avoided my messiest moments as a foster mom!!!
What do you wish you would have known about a child in your care?
What has been your messiest moment as a parent?
I received information about Clorox’s Bleach It Away campaign and am sharing my messy moment with The SITS Girls. Check out – where you can share your messiest story, plus grab a coupon for Clorox® Regular Bleach.